Personal blog (page 2 of 8)

This is my personal blog. You can subscribe to my feed or look through all the posts on the archive. You can find links to other blogs I follow on my blogroll.

Switching to my own static site generator

Since the start of this website (its first anniversary was a couple of weeks ago!) until recently, I have been using the static site generator Hugo. Static site generators are very useful when building relatively complex static websites, and Hugo has served me well. I have also used Lektor and... Read more

DAVup: back up your contacts and calendars

Meet DAVup! It is a simple script that will back up any contacts, calendars and to-do lists synchronized through CardDAV or CalDAV. I have always synchronized my contacts and calendars with online services to avoid losing them if something happened to my phone and to have them synchronized with my... Read more

Adding about pages to stagit

I use stagit to show the public repositories of my Git server on the web. I chose stagit because it is a very simple and lightweight tool, which makes tinkering with the source code very straightforward (which I have been doing a bit lately) and because the resulting website is... Read more

What is this vim talk all about?

Oh no! Another vim post! Well... yes. I have seen a lot of people criticizing vim before even trying it, so I am going to try and explain my history with it and what I like about it. If you aren't aware, vim is a text editor that is normally... Read more

Setting up a personal Git server

Running a personal Git server is something that has been on my mind for quite a long time. One of the most popular solutions I have seen around is Gitea. A couple of months ago, when trying out different things, I decided to run Gitea locally to see how easy... Read more